2456 Ross-Millville Road | Cincinnati, Ohio 45013
Open M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Closed Sat & Sun

Greater Cincinnati's
Arbor Specialists
since 1964
Hendel's Tree Care
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Spring & Fall Cleanup
Leaf removal is done to keep your property appearance neat is also helps with the health of the turf. This is done several times throughout the year.
Spring & Fall Cleanup
Spring Cleanup
Hendel's Tree Care & Landscaping is proud to be doing our part of helping the environment.
The spring clean up is a great way to revive your property from the hardship winter.
Remove all debris from the mulch beds and tree rings
Prune the trees and shrubbery
Remove existing weeds and apply a pre-emergent weed control to all beds
Mulch beds are raked out removing the old aged mulch and apply a layer of new fresh mulch
Fall Cleanup
Fall clean up is done to prepare your property for winter.
Debris, sticks and trash are removed
A final pruning to prepare shrubs and trees
Rake and remove all weeds
New mulch is added