2456 Ross-Millville Road | Cincinnati, Ohio 45013
Open M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Closed Sat & Sun

Greater Cincinnati's
Arbor Specialists
since 1964
Hendel's Tree Care
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Shrub Care
Shrub Care
Hendel's Tree Care & Landscaping has long been using concerted efforts to minimalize pesticide use by using selective insecticides and only applying products when absolutely needed. Using the least amount of chemicals is what's best for the trees. We want the trees to naturally be immune to these insects and diseases, and overdoing pesticides makes the trees and shrubs reliant on those chemicals.
As our world keeps changing, we keep on having to make changes about what we value. We are building homes and businesses on land that has never supported commercial types of plantings before. There are environmental challenges that need to be dealt with. Organic pest control is going to be a major change in how we look at traditional pest control over the next few years.

Hendel's Organic Tree and Shrub Care Program
Hendel's Tree Care & Landscaping is proud to be doing our part of helping the environment. By using organic products for those who want it, and by using limited amounts of chemicals for those who don't, we are saving tree after tree after tree. Our trees produce the air we breathe, and we all know how important that is becoming. Why do you think the air smells fresher and cleaner in a forest than in a city? Because trees and shrubs produce air! We thank those of you who are concerned enough about the environment to use our organic program. Features of this program include:
Beneficial insects: we will release beneficial insects that go after the larvae and adult insects that do your horticulture damage. Do you know that one ladybug can eat 25 aphids every day!
Beneficial bacteria and fungi: We release beneficial bacteria and fungi to promote good fungi that bad insects and diseases don't like to be around, and help the tree or shrub naturally grow to its full capability and health.
Organic fertilizers and nutrients: We make our own mixture depending on your property.
Physical and environmental changes: We might need to do some different things to the environment the horticulture plants are in. This may include removing competing plants that create problems for each other, adding plants that help one another, trimming parts of your plants that are causing problems, removing debris, changing watering cycles, and much more.
Soil airification and drill composting: This will help with soil compaction and get great nutrients down into the roots immediately for the tree to start absorbing. The tree will feed off these nutrients for years to come.
As a last measure, if your trees are struggling with an insect or disease that can't be cured 100% organically, we can use an injection system to put a chemical into the tree. This can be a one-time procedure to stop the deteriation of the horticulture plant. By injecting straight into the tree, we are not putting pesticides into the soil or air. The hope is that by stopping the initial decline and attack of a pest, we can then start a preventative organic program after the trees problems have subsided to a normal level. If your situation deteriorates or begins in this stage, we will discuss the options with you before hand, to see if you really want a traditional chemical application.